Thursday 8 March 2012

Carnival 2012

Marc: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we are in Sant Fost’s high school, INS Alba del Vallès, and we are going to report you the contest of the Carnival 2012.
Ricard: At the moment, the second level is performing their choreography and they are doing it very well. They are dancing “I’m sexy and I know it” and I think they are going to win first block’s award.
Ferran: The jury is deliberating… And we have a winner! The winner is… The second level!
David: They are going to “Isla fantasia” next month! They are very happy!
Marc: And now it’s time to see the fourth level performance.
Ricard: Ah… I think we have the second winner of the contest but we have to see another performance of the first level of “batxillerat”.
Ferran: Well… I think they won’t win… I don’t know, I think that they have chosen the wrong topic.
Marc: The jury is deliberating once again… And the winner is… The fourth level!
David: And that’s all! We will continue reporting another day with more fresh news.
Ricard: Bye bye!

Thursday 1 March 2012


Hello everybody, we are Marc Belis, David Gimeno, Ricard Antoni Millán and Ferran Flaqué. We are excited to introduce our radio, Hot News Radio, a new online radio where you will be able to listen to music and listen to actual news that we care. We hope you enjoy it and follow us in our web. We’re going to start recording our station in the following week.